class - MD_Metadata
In order to create consistent structured metadata to describe spatial resources, we need a schema to provide a structure and a class to hold it. MD_Metadata provides this for ISO 19115-1.
- Governance - ISO
- Metadata Type - structural
- ICSM Level of Agreement - ⭑⭑⭑⭑
Root entity which defines metadata about a resource or resources
Child packages
Recommended packages
- resourceLineage - (class - Li_Lineage) [0..*]
- referenceSystemInfo - (class - MD_ReferenceSystem)
- metadataConstraints - ( abstract class MD_Constraints) [0..*] see
- identificationInfo - (abstract class - MD_Identification) [1..*] see:
- Data Identification - (class MD_DataIdentification) > ?create Entry?
- Service Identification - (class SV_ServiceIdentification) > To Be Completed
- distributionInfo - (class - MD_Distribution) [0..*]
Other packages - not yet addressed by MDWG
- metadataMaintenance - (class MD_MaintenanceInformation) [0..1]
- spatialRepresentationInfo - (abstract class - MD_SpatialRepresentation) [0..*]
- metadataExtensionInfo - (class - MD_MetadataExtensionInformation) [0..*]
- applicationSchemaInfo - (class - MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation) [0..*]
- portrayalCatalogInfo - (class - MD_ProtrayalCatalogueReference) [0..*]
- contentInfo - (abstract class - MD_ContentInformation) [0..*]
- dataQualityInfo - (class - DQ_DataQuality (from ISO19157)) [0..*]
Recomended Attributes
- metadataIdentifier - (class - MD_Identifier) [0..1]
- dateInfo - (class - CI_Date) [1..*]
- contact - (class - CI_Responsibility) [0..1]
- defaultLocale - (class - PT_Locale)[0..1]
- metadataLinkage - (class - CI_OnlineResource)[0..*]
- parentMetadata - (class - CI_Citation [0..1]
- metadataScope - (class - MD_MetadataScope)[0..*]
- metadataStandard - (class - CI_Citation) [0..*] AS/NZS ISO 19115-3 > recommnded but not yet detailed by MDWG
- metadataProfile - (class - CI_Citation) [0..*] > recommnded but not yet detailed by MDWG
Other attributes - not yet addressed by MDWG
- otherLocale - (class - PT_Locale)[0..*]
- alternativeMetadataReference - (class - CI_Citation [0..*]
The MD_Metadata package defines the schema for describing the complete metadata about a resource and metadata about the metadata itself. It is composed through an aggregate of 12 additional metadata classes as shown above. The MD_Metadata class also contains attributes providing information about the metadata record itself. Those recommnded attributes are covered in other sections as cited above
Best Practice Recommendations
Therefore - it is recommended that all spatial metadata utilise the structure provided by the ISO19115-1 MD_Metadata class and follow the guidance provided. While ISO 19115-1 allows for such a metadata to describe more than one spatial resource, in order to reduce confusion and ease the integration with other metadata systems, it is recommended that each metadata record describes one and only one resource and that each resource have one metadata record of class MD_Metadata.
UML diagrams
Recommended elements highlighted in yellow